Thursday, March 19, 2009

Walk towards the light

Sometimes I feel the need to be on my own. Alone. Away. It's whatever though. In my heart I feel mature enough to live on my own and do everything by myself. But my actions and words speak a different story. "Feeling short of stable."

Stop this timebomb on yourself.

Seth and i went to the movies yesterday. The Last House on the Left. Unbelievably disturbing. If you know me you know that getting raped is one of my biggest fears. This movie had the most terrifying rape scene. It honestly made me want to walk out of the theater and not even want to watch the rest of the movie. I almost cried. I almost threw up. I do not reccommend this movie to anyone. Aside from the rape scene, it is just a bunch of blood and nasty ways of killing people. That one scene is going to haunt me for a long time...

There is more to this world than you could ever imagine. A love so pure, wanting to lift you up.

I want another tattoo. Something meaningful. The wings I have now are meaningful but I dont think I've honestly ever explained them to anyone. I got them because for some reason I feel like they'll give me the strength to fly to Heaven when I die. You can think I'm dumb, it's okay. It's not your tattoo is it? I want my next one to be two lily flowers on my shoulder with the words "A love so pure.." somewhere around them. Those are lyrics from the band For Today that you probably have never listened to. They're a Christian band and they are amazing...

A love so pure... fixes broken hearts, fixes broken lives

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