Thursday, March 12, 2009

At a loss for words...

I haven't blogged in a few days. And nothing exciting has happened. I go to school. I go to work. I go to Seth's. School and work are terrible habits to get into. I want to drop out. But then where would I get in life? No where. Especially during these times. The health field is the only thing that will allow me to make enough money to survive in a few years. So whatever. I suppose I'll stay in school and try to pass? Ugh. And work. A whole nother story. I hate it. Yeah I make money, and I'm thrilled to even have a job right now, but I calculated that I make roughly $50 a week.......... possibly a little more. $50? Yikes. Where is that going to get? To school and work every day of the week. My paychecks go to gas. And my saved money will now go to a cell phone bill. Those are the bad things about being an "adult".

The good part is Seth. I hope that when people read this theyre not thinking "ew she'll get her heartbroken blah blah blaaah." It's happened. Seth has stabbed me in the heart. And he's patched the wound back together. I'm glad my relationship with him is so unperfect. It's helped me to figure out who I am, who he is, and who we are together. Ok I'm sorry for talking about it. Some people are probably gaging while reading this so I'll quit.

I got an 80 on my anatomy lab test today. F yeah. That's the best test score I've gotten through this whole quarter in that class. English is finally over with. Only two finals next week and I'll be on spring break. And a break will be amazing (aside from going to work). So until then I'm sure I'll have nothing to write about....

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