Friday, March 6, 2009

March? Spring? Warm weather?

Seasonal depression has come to an end. YES. What a joy it is to sit on the steps with a nice breeze hitting me in the face and my dog prancing and sniffing around the yard. I love it. But here is a little story... Last uhhh Monday or Tuesday, I dont remember, I had to make a little stop at my dads house. I had to pick up important papers like Kenzie's birth certificate, social security card, and insurance cards. And some other not-so-important items. After my dad and I (who had not talked for at least a month and a half) loaded everything into my car, he turns to me and says, "Well Jord, I wish things could have worked out differently." I replied, "Yeah, me too." And he continues, "But if you ever get into trouble or if you get stranded, shame on you if you don't call us." (UHH YOU'RE THE ONES THAT KICKED ME OUT). So I said, "I dont have a phone." (BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONES THAT TURNED IT OFF). And he says, in a piss-ass tone, "Uh I'm sure you'll get one soon." WELL THANK YOU DAD FOR BEING RIGHT. Kenzie and I are getting new phones tomorrow and I couldn't be more thrilled. I honestly haven't been this excited in a very long time. How pathetic is that ha ha. Oh well. My social life will increase a tad (maybe), it's not like I honestly talked to a bunch of people 3 months ago when I had a phone. OH WELL. This is a good day.

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