Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Does anyone need updated?

1. I live with Seth now at his parents house. It's really a good situation. I like having adults around, because it makes me still feel like a child... until I have to fork up rent money. nd I'm glad I have someone I can actually stand to be around all day, every day.

2. The Shadow is really becoming a piece. Seth side-swiped her the other day, which resulted in the back door window being completely busted out. So as of now I'm driving around with a piece of cardboard and a black trash bag as a temporary replacement of a window. Poor Shadow...

3. Also the other day, I lifted Arthur, my 80 pound chocolate lab, into the bath tub. He hated me. And after his bath I discovered a huge bruise on my right thigh, and a long scratch with bruises underneath it on my left thigh. Thanks Arthur.

4. At this very moment I'm wondering why Old Navy continues to hire new employees, instead of giving their current employees more hours... Does that make sense to anyone? Probably not.

5. My first year of college allowed me to completely forget how to feel pretty. At first I thought that dressing in sweatpants and tshirts everyday was fun. But now I feel fat and ugly. I almost forget how to even get ready for an occasion. I would really love to replace my wardrobe. I doubt that will happen any time soon...

6. My mother and my sister are my life. I used to want to be away from them. But now I drive home to Loudonville to hangout with them as often as I can, and with no money... its almost impossible.

7. The word "money" brings me to my next point. As everyone knows money has always been a situation for me. In about two months I'll be getting a financial aid check from the college... It will be the best day of my life. Ha.

8. I love to read. All summer I went to the library finding random books to read. It's probably the best hobby I have.

9. Fall time always brings out a different side of me. I love the change in weather. I love crisp winds and sun. September and October are probably the best times of the year. Besides Christmas ha. Oh, and Halloween. I hate Halloween... so much.

10. And finally.... I know I've said this a million times before and everyone is probably sick of it... but I love Seth. He means the world to me. And I never want to be without him...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Two Hands.

i use one hands to pull you closer
and the other to push you away

if i had two hands doing the same thing
lifted high, lifted high <3

That would be the song Two Hands by Jars of clay. Everyone should take a listen. Pretty days put me in a pretty mood, which makes me listen to pretty songs. How pretty.

School and work have been running my life lately. Can't complain though; well maybe about school.. but work is okay. We had a meeting the other night because I guess we're all not up to par on how we should be with the customers.Somehow, that meeting made me really enjoy working at Old Navy. I get along with almost everyone I work with (minus two i think ha), and my managers are probably the coolest ones I'll ever have. Definitely can't complain.

In 3 weeks I will be laying out on Myrtle HBeach getting a sweet tan (plus attending Abe and Alysha's beach wedding). Oh man. I think about it allll the time. The beach. Yay. :).

I'm no good at blogging anymore... well actually I've never been good at blogging ha. Oops.

and while i ache for faith to hold me
i need to feel the scars and see the proof <3

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'll run away with you...

If things don't go as planned; Planning big could be a gamble. I've already rolled the dice. I spit and stutter, stuff and clutter worries in my worried corner. Maladjusted, just untrusted; rusted. Sometimes brilliant trusted thoughts. Think I'll stay for awhile. I'm intrigued and I'm red as a newborn, white as a corpse.

I'm ready for college to be over with. Not just this quarter - the whole 3 years I'm supposed to be here. I feel like I'm wasting my time. Why can't we all be hippies?

I'm ready to move out. I don't have unreasonable issues with my mom or sister like I did with my dad and stepmom, I just feel like it's time to try to do things on my own.... but that could be a gamble - hence the lyrics above.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


This is the perfect song, for the perfect day. It's by Hillsong and it's called "Mighty to Save". Read and listen. Please. :)

Everyone needs compassion,
A love that's never failing.
Let mercy fall on me.

Everyone needs forgiveness,
The kindness of a Savior.
The Hope of nations.

Savior, He can move the mountains.
My God is mighty to save .
He is mighty to save.

Forever, author of salvation.
He rose and conqured the grace.
Jesus conqured the grave.

So take me as you find me,
All my fears and failures,
Fill my life again.

I give my life to follow,
Everything I believe in.
Now I surrender.

Savior, He can move the mountains.
My God is mighty to save,
He is mighty to save.

Forever, author of salvation.
He rose and conqured the grave.
Jesus conqured the grave.

Shine your light and
Let the whole world see
We're singing for the glory of the risen King.

Shine your light and
Let the whole world see
We're singing for the glory of the risen King.

Happy Easter. :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I painted this for Seth yesterday...

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School starts tomorrow. Whaaat?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring brings new things?

I've discovered a few new things about myself:

1) I love to paint. I'm not very good, but I love it. It's a peaceful hobby. And here is where I discovered my love for watercolor painting...

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2) I used to hate cats. My mom rescued this little kitten a couple months ago and it's the sweetest cat alive. It has respiratory problems and sneezes all the time, but it's cooler than your cat. Mom named her Maddie....... how original. Kenzie and I came up with something ten times better... Wittlekittychickenlittlekissybaby. Jealous?

3) Within the last 3 weeks I have spent over $200 on random items. Clothes, gas, food, gas, food gas. So now my checking account holds roughly $470. Yikes. I might be in trouble soon....

Since I don't have any bad news, I'll tell you the good news:

Seth's mom (Marie) told him that I can move up there after he graduates and live with them until we save up enough money to get our own apartment. That is the best news I've receieved in awhile. Seriously. It's perfect. But here is even more perfect news.... After Seth's bro ho gets married this summer, him and his fiance are buying a house, soooo Abe (the bro ho) said we could move into the apartment that they live in now.......AND possibly not pay rent. AND if we do pay rent it would only be around $200. Damn... I'm excited :).

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Walk towards the light

Sometimes I feel the need to be on my own. Alone. Away. It's whatever though. In my heart I feel mature enough to live on my own and do everything by myself. But my actions and words speak a different story. "Feeling short of stable."

Stop this timebomb on yourself.

Seth and i went to the movies yesterday. The Last House on the Left. Unbelievably disturbing. If you know me you know that getting raped is one of my biggest fears. This movie had the most terrifying rape scene. It honestly made me want to walk out of the theater and not even want to watch the rest of the movie. I almost cried. I almost threw up. I do not reccommend this movie to anyone. Aside from the rape scene, it is just a bunch of blood and nasty ways of killing people. That one scene is going to haunt me for a long time...

There is more to this world than you could ever imagine. A love so pure, wanting to lift you up.

I want another tattoo. Something meaningful. The wings I have now are meaningful but I dont think I've honestly ever explained them to anyone. I got them because for some reason I feel like they'll give me the strength to fly to Heaven when I die. You can think I'm dumb, it's okay. It's not your tattoo is it? I want my next one to be two lily flowers on my shoulder with the words "A love so pure.." somewhere around them. Those are lyrics from the band For Today that you probably have never listened to. They're a Christian band and they are amazing...

A love so pure... fixes broken hearts, fixes broken lives

Thursday, March 12, 2009

At a loss for words...

I haven't blogged in a few days. And nothing exciting has happened. I go to school. I go to work. I go to Seth's. School and work are terrible habits to get into. I want to drop out. But then where would I get in life? No where. Especially during these times. The health field is the only thing that will allow me to make enough money to survive in a few years. So whatever. I suppose I'll stay in school and try to pass? Ugh. And work. A whole nother story. I hate it. Yeah I make money, and I'm thrilled to even have a job right now, but I calculated that I make roughly $50 a week.......... possibly a little more. $50? Yikes. Where is that going to get? To school and work every day of the week. My paychecks go to gas. And my saved money will now go to a cell phone bill. Those are the bad things about being an "adult".

The good part is Seth. I hope that when people read this theyre not thinking "ew she'll get her heartbroken blah blah blaaah." It's happened. Seth has stabbed me in the heart. And he's patched the wound back together. I'm glad my relationship with him is so unperfect. It's helped me to figure out who I am, who he is, and who we are together. Ok I'm sorry for talking about it. Some people are probably gaging while reading this so I'll quit.

I got an 80 on my anatomy lab test today. F yeah. That's the best test score I've gotten through this whole quarter in that class. English is finally over with. Only two finals next week and I'll be on spring break. And a break will be amazing (aside from going to work). So until then I'm sure I'll have nothing to write about....

Friday, March 6, 2009

March? Spring? Warm weather?

Seasonal depression has come to an end. YES. What a joy it is to sit on the steps with a nice breeze hitting me in the face and my dog prancing and sniffing around the yard. I love it. But here is a little story... Last uhhh Monday or Tuesday, I dont remember, I had to make a little stop at my dads house. I had to pick up important papers like Kenzie's birth certificate, social security card, and insurance cards. And some other not-so-important items. After my dad and I (who had not talked for at least a month and a half) loaded everything into my car, he turns to me and says, "Well Jord, I wish things could have worked out differently." I replied, "Yeah, me too." And he continues, "But if you ever get into trouble or if you get stranded, shame on you if you don't call us." (UHH YOU'RE THE ONES THAT KICKED ME OUT). So I said, "I dont have a phone." (BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONES THAT TURNED IT OFF). And he says, in a piss-ass tone, "Uh I'm sure you'll get one soon." WELL THANK YOU DAD FOR BEING RIGHT. Kenzie and I are getting new phones tomorrow and I couldn't be more thrilled. I honestly haven't been this excited in a very long time. How pathetic is that ha ha. Oh well. My social life will increase a tad (maybe), it's not like I honestly talked to a bunch of people 3 months ago when I had a phone. OH WELL. This is a good day.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

early in the morning, wake up to a bright blue sky

The Good News:

1) I'm feeling less and less stressed out about everything that has been going on. I can breathe. I get beyond excited to just go home and relax. Where I was before didn't exactly give me that chance. I love coming home to my sister and hearing how her day went and then telling her about mine. I love talking to my mom about whatever goes on. I love... life.

2) I'm making decisions for me. I do not care what you're opinion is. I regret some of the things I've done, but where I am now is better than where I was.

3) I love my life. No matter what happens. I'm very content with where I'm at right now. I feel extremely blessed to have the relationships I have. I wouldn't change anything... except

The Bad News:

1) My grades are still down. All I want to do is prove a few people wrong. I want to shove it in their faces that I can be on my own and be successful on my own without their thoughts or opinions on anything. The one thing I should be able to do is get my grades up... Hmm.

2) I'm really starting to hate my job. It's easy, which is nice. On the other hand, it's boring. Really boring. And I don't think I can handle it anymore. I want to work at a hospital or a nursing home. I want to wear scrubs. Haaa. I want to have a job where I can stay busy the whole time, instead of just stand around and feel like I'm wasting my life away.

3) Money has always been an issue. I don't know how to fix it. I stopped my shopping rampages. I basically only buy gas. So where is my money? I don't know either.